Proceedings of the
Second International Energy 2030 Conference,
November 4-5, 2008, Abu Dhabi, U.A.E.
A Solution to the CO2 Emission Problem in the Cement Industry
Ghada Bassioni
The Petroleum Institute, UAE
The manufacture of cements with several main constituents is of particular importance with regard to
reducing climatically relevant CO2 emissions in the cement industry. This ecological aspect is not the only
argument in favor of Portland composite cements. They are also viable alternatives to Portland cement
from the technical point of view.
Substitution of ordinary Portland cement (CEM I) by Portland composite cements (CEM II) and (CEM
III), which clearly possess different chemical and mineralogical compositions, results in changes of their
reaction behavior with additives like superplasticizers. A common admixture to CEM I in that sense is
limestone (industrial CaCO3). Its interaction with polycarboxylates is ignored and its inertness is taken for
granted. This study provides a systematic approach in order to better understand the interaction of these
polymeric superplasticizers with CaCO3 by adsorption and zeta potential measurements. The results give
some fundamental understanding in how far the cement industry can reduce the production of cement
clinker by replacing it with limestone as admixture and consequently the CO2-emission is reduced, which
is of high political and environmental interest.