Held in parallel with Invited
Talks, the Poster Exhibition is contributed by
renowned organizations from North America,
Europe, Asia and the Middle East. The posters
are organized under eleven topical areas:
Area I: Oil and Gas Exploration, and
Characterization of the Pore
Structure Heterogeneities in Heterogeneous
Reservoirs Using CRAI Porosimetry
I. Chatzis1,2,
and N. Rezaei2
The Petroleum
Institute, UAE
University of Waterloo,
A Study of Permeability and
Velocity Anisotropy in Carbonates
M. Saleh1, M. Prasad2,
S. Vega1, and R. Sharma2
Petroleum Institute, UAE
School of Mines, USA
of Two-Phase Vertical Flow in EOR Application
A. Riaz, University of Maryland, USA
H. Tchelepi, Stanford
University, USA
Investigation of the Mobilization
of Residual Oil Using Micromodels
A.S. Ibrahim, N.S.
Abdelfattah, and I. Chatzis
The Petroleum Institute,
Hydrodynamic Transition Zone at
OWC in Non-Darcy Flow
S. Duan1
A. K. Wojtanowicz2
Louisiana State
University, USA
The Petroleum Institute,
Area II: Natural Gas Processing and
Fischer Tropsch Synthesis Process
(Gas to Liquid Technology, GTL)
A. Nafees, and S. Al Hashimi
The Petroleum Institute, UAE
Acid Gas
Composition Effect on Optimum Reactor
Temperature in Claus Process
H. Selim1, A.K. Gupta1,
and M. Sassi2
1University of Maryland, USA
2The Petroleum Institute, UAE
Enhancement of APCI LNG Plant
A. Mortazavi1, Y. Hwang1,
R. Radermacher1, S. Al-Hashimi2,
and P. Rodgers2
1University of Maryland, USA,
2The Petroleum Institute, UAE
Enhancement of LNG Propane Cycle
through Waste Heat Powered Absorption Cooling
A. Mortazavi1, P. Rodgers2,
S. Al-Hashimi2, Y. Hwang1,
and R. Radermacher1
1University of Maryland, USA,
2The Petroleum Institute, UAE
Topical Area
III: Energy Utilization, Efficiency,
Sustainability and Recovery
Design Methodology
for Ecologically and Economically Optimizing
Scheme for Introduction of Co-generation Systems
N. Maruyama1, S. Nakanishi1,
Y. Sadamichi2, and A.K. Gupta3
1Mie University, Japan
2Chiang Mai University, Thailand
3University of Maryland, USA
Hydrothermal Treatment of Municipal
Solid Waste and Sewage Sludge to Produce Solid
Fuel and Liquid Fertilizer
K. Yoshikawa
Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan
Long-term Operation of a
Small-scale Gasification and Power Generation
Plant for Chicken Manure
K. Yoshikawa1, and T. Hara2
1Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan
2Shinko Plantech Co., Ltd., Japan
Investigation to Process High Water Content
Waste to Solid Fuel using Superheated Steam
N. Maruyama1,
D. Tanaka1, M. Tamada1,
T. Shimizu2, and A. K. Gupta3
1Mie University,
2 aada Inc., Japan
3University of Maryland, USA
Energy Efficient Polymers for
Seawater Heat Exchangers
P. Luckow 1, A. Bar-Cohen2,
P. Rodgers2 and Juan Cevallos
1University of Maryland,
2The Petroleum Institute, UAE
Energy Efficient Design &
Performance of Commercial Buildings in
Developing Countries
E.E. Khalil, Cairo University, Egypt
Advanced Mixing in High-Speed Flows for
Efficient Combustion
A. Abdelhafez and A.K. Gupta
University of Maryland, USA
Active Control for Fuel-Flexible
Volumetrically-Efficient Combustion
K.H. Yu, and A.K. Gupta
University of Maryland, USA
Pyrolysis and Steam
Gasification of Waste Paper
I. Ahmed, and A.K. Gupta
University of Maryland, USA
High Temperature Steam Reforming
of Solid and Liquid Wastes Generating from
Pyrolysis of Automobile Shredded Residue
P. Donaj, W. Yang, and W. Błasiak
Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden
Advanced Steam
Gasification Technology for Plastic Wastes
using High Temperature Steam
S. Mochida1, T. Abe1,
and A.K. Gupta2
1Nippon Furnace Co. Ltd., JAPAN
2University of Maryland,
Intelligent Distributed Autonomous
Electric Energy System for UAE
G. Balfaghih, and M. Poshtan
The Petroleum Institute
Energy-Saving Devices
A. Al-Azizi, A. Al Awadhi, and Y.B. Hammad
The Petroleum Institute, UAE
Topical Area
IV: Fuel Cell Technologies
Developments in Hydrogen Storage
The Petroleum Institute, UAE
Solid Oxide Fuel Cells for Energy
Recovery from Light Hydrocarbons
G. Jackson, P. Jawlika, S. Patela, S.
DeCaluwea, and B. Eichhornb
University of Maryland, USA
Fuel Recycling in Gradual Internal
Reforming SOFCs
V. Eveloy
The Petroleum Institute, UAE
Topical Area V:
Solar Energy Utilization
Design and
Construction of High Performance Fiber Optic
Solar Concentrator for Solar Lighting
S.-C. Lee 1, 2, H. Park1,
2, J. Woo2, K. Choi2,
and Y. Choi2
1Kyungnam University, South Korea
2Creative Energy and Technology
Inc., South Korea
Modeling of a Solar Powered
Absorption Cycle for Abu Dhabi
A. Al-Alili1, M.D. Islam2,
I. Kubo2, Y. Hwang1, and
R. Radermacher1
1University of Maryland, USA
2The Petroleum Institute, UAE
Modeling of dust
effect on solar panels in Abu Dhabi
A. Bouchalkha
The Petroleum Institute, UAE
High Efficiency
Solar Cooling Technique
A. Al-Alili1, Y. Hwang1,
R. Radermacher1, I. Kubo2,
and P. Rodgers2
1University of Maryland, USA
Petroleum Institute, UAE
Topical Area
VI: Biomass Fuel Production
A Global Vision of Ethanol: The
Demystification of a Successful Green Brazilian
D. Schmidt
EcoEnergy, Brazil
Production of Methane from
Anaerobic Digestion of Jatropha and Pongamia Oil
V.K. Vijay, R. Chandra, and P.M.V. Subbarao
Indian Institute of Technology Delhi, INDIA
Removal of Fermentation Gases
Accelerates Anaerobic Digestion to Methane
R.A. Kohn
University of Maryland, USA
Topical Area
VII: Wind Energy
Wind Turbine- An Energy Source for
Tomorrow Design of Turbine Mechanism
R.S. Amano
University of Wisconsin, USA
A Renewable Energy Project for
Senior Mechanical Engineering Students: A
Wave-Powered Generator
A. Goharzadeh, and A. Molki
The Petroleum Institute, UAE
New Method to find Critical
Clearing Time for Wind Driven Generators
N. Al-Afifi and M. Poshtan
The Petroleum Institute
Power Swing and Out of Step
Protection for Wind Turbine Generators
K. Al-Jaafari and M. Poshtan
The Petroleum Institute, UAE
Topical Area
VIII: Monitoring and Industrial Applications
Development of a
Probabilistic Model Structure for
Reliability Assessment of Pipeline
Degradation Due to Corrosion-Fatigue
M. Chookah1, M. Nuhi1,
M. Modarres1, A. Seibi2
1University of Maryland, USA
2The Petroleum Institute, UAE
Design of a Test Rig for Vibration
Control of Oil Platforms using
Magnetorheological Dampers
L. Lamont, L. Chaar, and M. Karkoub
The Petroleum Institute, UAE.
Multi-Objective Robust
Optimization of Energy Systems
W. Hu1, N. Al-Qasas2,
M. Li1, S. Al Hashimi2,
and S. Azarm1
1University of Maryland, USA
2The Petroleum Institute, UAE
Models for Drill-String Dynamics
C.-M. Liao1, B. Balachandran1,
M. Karkoub2, and Y.L. Abdel-Magid2
1University of Maryland,
2The Petroleum Institute, UAE
Developing Heterogeneous Fiber
Optic Sensor Network for Online Monitoring of
Combustors and Power Plants
M. Yu and A. Gupta
University of Maryland, USA
Effect of Advanced
Injection Timing on the Performance
Improving of a Dual-Fuel Diesel Engine with
Producer Gas from a Down-Draft Gasifier for
Power Generation
S. Kerdsuwan1, T. Lekpradit2,
S. Tongorn2, and N.
1King Mongkut’s University of
Technology North Bangkok, Thailand
2The Sirindhorn International
Thai-German Graduate School of
Engineering, Thailand
Mold Filling Meta Model for Polymer
Composite Heat Exchangers
A. Bar-Cohen1, S.K. Gupta1,
P. Rodgers2,J. Cevallos1,
and M. Adi2
1University of Maryland, USA
2The Petroleum Institute, UAE
Electric Energy Forecasting by
Web-based Method
B. Beig, M. Poshtan, and R. Ramahand
The Petroleum Institute, UAE
Topical Area
IX: Heat Transfer and Fluid Flow
Electrohydrodynamics (EHD)-Enhanced
Separation of Fine Liquid Droplets from Gas
Flows - Application to Refrigeration and Process
M. Alshehhi1, S. Dessiatoun1,
A. Shooshtari1, M. Ohadi2
and A. Goharzadeh2
of Maryland, USA.
2The Petroleum Institute, UAE.
Properties Of Nanostructured Heat Transfer
B. Yang, Z. Han, F. Cao, J. Xu, and H.
University of Maryland, USA
Characterization of Selected Refrigerants in
Flat Plate Micro-scale Condenser
E. Al-Hajri1, S. Dessiatoun1,
A. Shooshtari1, M. Ohadi2,
and A. Goharzadeh2
1University of Maryland, USA
2The Petroleum Institute, UAE
Application of Thermally-Enhanced
Thermoplastics to Seawater-Cooled Heat
A. Bar-Cohen2, P. Rodgers2,
J. Cevallos 1, and P. Luckow 1
1University of Maryland,
2The Petroleum Institute, UAE
Turbulent Dynamics of
Particle-laden Pipeline Flow
K. Kiger
University of Maryland, USA
Modeling Absorption
Chillers in ASPEN
C. Somers1, A. Mortazavi1,
Y. Hwang1, R. Radermacher1,
S. Al-Hashimi2, and P. Rodgers2
1University of Maryland, USA
2The Petroleum Institute, UAE
Topical Area X:
Environmental Initiatives
The Potential for Carbon Management
in Reducing CO2 Emissions in the
Middle East
M. Sengul1, C. Francis2,
M. Elkadi2, and A. Pillay2
1Schlumberger Carbon Services, UAE
2The Petroleum Institute, UAE
A Solution to the CO2
Emission Problem in the Cement Industry
G. Bassioni
The Petroleum Institute, UAE
Influence of Turbulent Mixing on
Flameless Combustion and NOx
M. Hamdi1, B. Hmaeid1, and M. Sassi2
1Ecole Nationale
d’Ingénieurs de Monastir, Tunisia
2The petroleum Institute, UAE
Safety of Hydrogen Leaks
M.S. Butler1, C.W. Moran2,
P.B. Sunderland2, R.L. Axelbaum1
1Washington University, St. Louis USA
2University. of Maryland, USA
Thermal Field Characteristics with
Alternative Fuels in Advanced Power Generation
D.G. Lilley
Lilley & Associates, USA
CFD Modeling of Large-Scale Pool
A. Trouvé
University of Maryland, USA
Fire Dynamics: A Practical
Oriented Course for Safety Engineers
D.G. Lilley
Lilley & Associates, USA
Energy Saving Light Bulbs
A. Al Naqbi, S. Al Dhaheri, and A. Rashid
The Petroleum Institute, UAE
Topical Area
XI: Undergraduate Student Submissions