Proceedings of the
Second International Energy 2030 Conference,
November 4-5, 2008, Abu Dhabi, U.A.E.
Sustainable Future in Japan – from Energy
Technology Aspects
Dr. Kiichiro Ogawa
The Institute of Applied Energy, Japan
Energy and environmental issues are serious concerns to Japan because Japan is densely populated and
highly industrialized, and has small land with little energy resource. Japan has been tackling these issues
vigorously. Above all, recognizing the significance of the Kyoto Protocol, which offers the international
commitment to reduce greenhouse gases emission, the Japanese government and industries have been
actively addressing the issue with great efforts. Reflecting the above circumstances, this Lecturer presents the
current Japanese energy situation, some examples of countermeasures for CO2 emission, and a more detailed
explanation of typical technologies such as energy saving technologies, renewable energy technologies, and
energy conversion technologies including nuclear energy. By introducing these features, this Lecturer offers
some idea of the sustainable future in Japan, and expects it will be beneficial information for other countries,
particularly for those who are thinking to adopt such programs in the future.